Sunday, June 17, 2018

Welcome to the Loft: Meet AbbyGrace

Name: AbbyGrace
School Attending: Arcadia University
Major: Art Therapy
Where are you from? Nazareth, PA
One fun fact about you:
 AbbyGrace has ridden a camel in the Middle East. (He is apparently the love of her life.)
What is your favorite color?
 She doesn't have one, but she enjoys color palettes. 
What are you passionate about?
 Making a difference and helping people. 
Why did you choose to do OCBP?
 AbbyGrace was being called to go. It seemed like a perfect fit for the season of life she is currently in. 
Who was the first person you bonded with here at OCBP?
 AbbyGrace doesn't really know. At first she felt like she wasn't bonding with anyone. 
What is your favorite moment at OCBP so far?
 AbbyGrace went to the beach and listened to music independently between dinner and #fam meeting. She involved God in the mundane in between of her life. 
Where is your favorite place in Ocean City?
 The beach.
What job do you have down here?
 AbbyGrace works at Peace of Wood. It is a community and creativity themed shop that hosts a bunch of painting sessions. She also gets to hope out with community fundraisers. 
What is your favorite job moment so far?
 It is a tie between two moments. The first was getting the job. The second came through the care of her employers. A family that did not have a lot of money came in and they discounted the prices discounted. The kids were so happy. It's a really sweet environment. They love helping others even if they can't afford the marked price. 
Anything else?
 AbbyGrace has always struggled with physical injuries and she is proud and encouraged that she has others to run with her daily. (And she hasn't gotten injured yet.) She is also really happy to be here, even though it is, at times hard. 

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