Sacred Echo
by Margaret Feinberg
Have you ever felt lost? Struggled to find your calling? Struggled to hear God's voice? Just all around struggled? This is the book for you. God sometimes speaks through a Sunday sermon, a chance conversation with a friend the next day, even a random email. The same theme, idea, impression, or lesson will repeat itself in surprising and unexpected ways until you realize that maybe, just maybe, God is at work.
Favorite Quotes:
“And like an echo, God often uses the repetitive events and themes in daily life to get my attention and draw me closer to himself."- Margaret Feinberg
"May our every inhale be infused with God's presence, our every inhale an extension of his love." -Margaret Feinberg
"God knows your prayer before the words even leave your lips." -Margaret Feinberg
"Remember: God is steadfast. He hasn't given up on you." -Margaret Feinberg
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