Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Amazing Reads: My Name is Hope

My Name is Hope
By John Mark Comer

My Name is Hope, which is written by one of my new favorite authors, John Mark Comer, addresses several tough topics. If focuses primarily on anxiety and depression. Now, you may think to yourself... I don't have anxiety and I don't have depression, so this book doesn't apply to me, right? Wrong. The thing about this book, and books in general, is that you can find something to relate to in one way or another. In this book, the section about worry applied to me the most. I spend a lot of time worried over every little thing. I worry about school. I worry finances. I worry about my level of chocolate consumption. I worry about the future. I worry about everything. Everything from the mundane to the major. I don't have to though and I know that. John Mark Comer uses this book to address a range of human emotions. Don't get me wrong, it is okay to have emotions. We're human. We tend to be emotional beings, some more than others, but emotional still the same. Recognizing and addressing the emotions you feel is important. 

Favorite Quotes:
-"God allowed a flawed, emotional train wreck to lead Israel- his chosen people. But not only that, he took David's raw, brutally honest lyrics- gushing with fear, anxiety, doubt, depression, and questions about God's faithfulness- and made them part of the inspired scriptures." -John Mark Comer
-"Life without the full spectrum of human emotions is empty and dull. God made us to feel." -John Mark Comer
-"Can you imagine what it would be like to stand in front of the Creator? The problem is that we fear all the wrong things: the future, money problems, the what-ifs. We need to fear God. If we get that right, the other fears fade into the background." -John Mark Comer
-“Humility is not thinking of yourself at all. The humble person is lost in the needs of others.” -John Mark Comer
-"Worry can be a gift because it shows us what we are really passionate about...we should put our hearts' passions into the kingdom, not the fleeting, temporary things that we spend so much time worrying about." -John Mark Comer
-"Humans need a mission. Vision. Goals. Plans. Something on the horizon for which we can work, sweat, and pray." -John Mark Comer
-"Grace is a past event. We have been justified. We have peace with God. We have gained access. But it's also something you have to stand in. You have to believe and trust and stand in the work of Jesus on the cross." -John Mark Comer
-"Gratitude is all about perspective. We are blessed. Never forget that. Never stop thanking God for grace." -John Mark Comer
-"Worry about nothing. Pray about everything. Thank God for anything." -John Mark Comer
-“The church is a hospital—a place where sick, broken, wounded, flawed people are made new by Jesus.” -John Mark Comer
-"Yes, there are days, months, and for some of us years, of mourning. But it's only for a night. It's only for a time. There is a light breaking over the horizon." -John Mark Comer

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